Saturday, November 7, 2009

God has a purpose for the waiting

It has struck me how God has been speaking to me these last few weeks about this waiting period. First I heard a pastor talk about how Jesus waited for 30 years to begin his ministry. It is difficult to think about, he is the savior, but he waited. Next our pastor was teaching on Paul and she spoke of how he waited 14 years to step into what God had called him to do. Then I was preparing my lesson for my Sunday School class and the lesso to the kids was on David and how David waited 17 years from the time he was annointed until he was actually King.

Don't give up brother/sister, be stron during this time of waiting and know that there is a purpose for the wait. You need to be determined to keep standing and keep walking. Remember what God has promised you but don't worry about the length of time that it has taken to see whatever it is with your eyes. Don't get tired of waiting. I know that when I am discouraged ad tired of waiting on God to bring my husband I lose focus on why I am waiting. Sometimes we forget that there is a reason for our waiting. I know that God has been teaching me some lessons during this time as well as healing many hurts. Had I been in a relationship, I may not have had time to listen to God as he has been pointing out things in me that need changed.

I think that the best advice I can give is to not give up, "when you have done all that you can do just stand"...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A loving reminder

We were having missionaries visit our church a couple of weeks ago. I was excited to hear what they had to say...I have a heart for missions work and would love to leave it all and go, but that is another story! Any way much to my surprise when I arrived at church one of the women brought them over to introduce me and I knew them! I met them 12 years ago when I went on a short term mission trip to Mexico. I was excited to see them and hear about what God is doing in them and through them. Much to my surpise "Mrs. Missionary" said to me that God had place me on her heart to be praying for me. I have not seen or spoken to this couple in 12 years and yet God had this woman praying for me! I was humbled and shocked at God's loving reminder that what I am going throug is important enough for him to have someone I hadn't seen or spoken and someone who lives in another time zone to be praying for me!

We need to remember that what God says in Isaiah 49:15 (Isaias 49:15) is true: "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion onthe child she has born? Though she may forget, I will not forget you." God has not forgotten me. He is not too busy to remember what he promised me. I am not too small and insignificant for him to care about what I am going through.

Please remember brother/sister that God will not and has not forgotten you and what you are going through. (Hebrews 13:5/Hebreos 13:5)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Crying myself to sleep

I haven't cried myself to sleep in a long time, but the other night as I crawled into bed I felt extremely alone. I just wanted someone to be there to hold me and to tell me how much I meant to him. While I was struggling with my emotions I remembered that I am not alone. God is with me and he cares about every detail of my life including my loneliness. I love how the psalmist wrote in Psalm 119:25 "I lie in the dust, revive me by your word." Sometimes I feel so discouraged, like I am lying in the dust unable to keep going on but it is through His word that I am able to be comforted while I wait on the man that he has for me. I have to force myself to remember that God does not lie and his ways are higher than mine (Isaiah 55:9). I have to remember that he will not forget me. We need to encourage ourselves in the Word of God during these times of struggle. Keep holding on brother/sister, God's answers are coming!

Yo no me he llorado antes que duermo en mucho tiempo, pero la otra noche como yo me me acosté en la cama que sentía muy sóla. Yo sólo quise que alguien estuviera allí abrazarme y para decirme cuánto me ama. Mientras luchaba con mis emociones yo recordé que yo no estoy sola. Dios es conmigo y él tiene interés en cada detalle de mi vida incluyendo mi soledad. Cómo el salmista escribió en el Salmo 119:25 "Postrado estoy en el polvo;dame vida conforme a tu palabra." A veces yo siento muy desanimada, como estoy en postrada en el polvo incapaz de mantenerme firme pero está por Su palabra que puedo recibir consuelo mientras espero en el hombre que él tiene para mí. Tengo que forzarme a recordar que Dios no diga mentiras y sus caminos y pensamientos son más altas que mío(Isaías 55:9). Tengo que recordar que él no me se olvidará. Necesitamos para animarnos en la Palabra de Dios durante estos tiempos de lucha. ¡Mantengense firmes hermano/hermana, las respuestas de Dios vienen tempranos!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Choosing to not compromise in my walk...

I know that I am making a difficult choice. I have made this choice daily since becoming a single mother. It has been almost fifteen years now and things have not become any easier. The thing is, God does not promise us that choosing to live completely 100% without compromise for him will be easy. He does however promise to be with us and to help us along the way. In my choice not to compromise, I have been rejected by many who claimed to have cared for me or have even claimed to have loved me. This can be a lonely road to walk on, but I don't regret it. Sometimes I get frustrated with my feelings because I want to be with someone. I want to be loved, held and all of the things that we all dream of. But I will not compromise! The Word of God tells us that we are not to be unequally yoked, we should save sex for marriage and so much more. So many times I have been laughed at and rejected because I will not cross those lines for anyone, including myself. Sometimes I ask myself "Is all of the struggle and lonely nights worth the wait?"...YES!!! I know that somewhere God has a man who shares the same values and principles that I do and when the time is right, we will meet.

Please be patient. I know how you may be feeling as you wait on God. Somedays it feels as if his promises will never be fulfilled in your life. But remember, God does not lie. If he told you that he has spouse for you, it will take place. Trust him and cry out to him during the times of struggle. Remember, I am praying for you as I helps to get my mind off of my loneliness to pray for you. God Bless!